
How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Leather Couch

Cleaning Urine Stains and Odors From Leather Furniture

Question: Urine on Leather Couch?

February 15, 2010

cat on a leather couchI have a very bad urinary incontinence problem, and have noticed a urine odor on my couch and on my car seat, (both leather) what can I use to get it out?

By becky from Boise, ID


merlene smith
Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 140 Feedbacks

February 19, 2010 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

There is a product called Urine Gone, for pets, but it should work for any kind of urine.

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Question: Removing Dog Urine Smell from Leather Loveseat?

May 23, 2009

How can I get dog urine smell out of a leather loveseat. It is saturated into the filling under the leather.

By mona from Montgomery, AL


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts

May 24, 2009 3 found this helpful

To clean your area: Blot up mess with paper towel & clean with water that has a tiny bit of vinegar in it. Next, Saturate the area with a product called "Out!" ($4.79 at Walmart) or another "Enzyme" pet cleaning product. (Pour it down into the whole area including the padding!)  Then leave the Enzyme pet cleaner on overnight then blot it up. Next you can pour Hydrogen Peroxide on the area. Peroxide cleans with oxygen. And, lastly you can use a half white vinegar & half water solution. If you use one or all of the above, your cat-pee smell will go away. My favorite number one thing to clean up any pet mess (hairballs, blood, pee & poop) is Out!, I like the light Vanilla scent it leaves behind, not like the other brands that have a strong floral scent. I sprayed a bit of the Out! on a nasty hairball mess, then left it to sit for about 45 min, then came back to finish cleaning it up & the mess was totally gone! What a surprise that was! The enzymes actually "eat" the pet's mess right up. If the mess is on the carpeting, be sure to spray enough so it soaks way down in the carpet's padding or down into upholstery stuffing!

For complete and detailed directions on how to remove all traces of pet odors and urine read my post here::

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Here's a note someone sent to my private mail box last month here on ThriftyFun:

I joined thriftyfun just so that I could tell you how much I truly appreciate your cleaning solutions and instructions. I've had a problem with ferret urine around a window for years. I've cleaned it over and over using bleach even. Only to still have the room smell like urine when the sun shone on it. I also feared the sun had "baked" the urine into the carpet and floor beyond recovery. I followed your wonderful instructions beginning with water and white vinegar to using Out and covering with plastic 2x. I am so very relieved. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. After years of suffering the smell. It now smells fresh and clean even tho the sun has shone on it and heated up the room. You are a lifesaver. I can keep the carpet and the floorboards. I can not stress how relieved and grateful I am!

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June 7, 2018 0 found this helpful

I have a dried in pet urine stain on my car seat and can't get ride of the smell also the leather has hardened. Any help greatly received

Thanks Kay

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Question: Removing Dog Urine from Leather Furniture?

What can I use to remove the urine from the top of my lavendar leather ottoman that won't cause discoloration of the affected area?

By tootiez from Webster, TX


Bronze Tip Medal for All Time! 86 Tips

May 27, 2013 2 found this helpful

Best Answer

Try using plain old club soda. I have used it on alot of things and it has never discolored any of them. Just use it straight from the bottle. Hope this helps.

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Question: Cleaning Cat Urine Out of Leather ?

March 3, 2010

My cat soiled my leather pocket book. How do I clean it?

By Mandalla from VA


March 7, 2010 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

If you feel the purse is ruined, try washing it in the washer on the gentle cycle in warm water and Woolite or other gentle detergent. Stuff the wet purse with plastic bags, and let air dry away from heat.

You can then recondition the leathwer and/or polish it. I did this with a pair of leather shoes, figuring I had nothing to lose, and it worked for me.

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Question: Removing Urine Odor on Leather Couch?

August 18, 2011

My daughter has just peed on my leather corner sofa. The cushions don't come off and it has soaked through to the bottom. I just poured white vinegar over the sofa and have let it soak through. Will that be enough or do I need to do more? I can't afford a new one so I need to stop it from smelling. Please help.

By Joanne


October 7, 2011 0 found this helpful

Someone's cat peed on a leather saddle. Febreeze removed the odor. Spray some on a rag and wipe the area as best you can, then wipe with a barely damp cloth to remove the Febreeze.

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How to Clean a Dog Urine Stain on a Leather Couch

Some consumers have had success removing pet urine stains on leather furniture with shoe polish or hair gel. Depending on the value of your couch you may want to consult a professional, at least for advice.

This is a page about how to clean a dog urine stain on a leather couch.

A dog laying on a leather couch.

How to Clean Cat Urine on Leather Furniture

Removing the stain and odor of cat urine from your leather furniture needs to be done with care, to protect the dye and finish. This page contains questions and some advice for attempting to remedy this situation.

A cat on a leather couch.


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How To Get Pee Smell Out Of Leather Couch


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