
How To Get Rid Of Swelling After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth that come out, usually between the ages of 17 and 21, but there are people with no wisdom teeth as well. For those who do have them and decide to remove them, it's important to know that the recovery from a wisdom tooth extraction can last up to two weeks. The pain and swelling are the most obvious side effects but don't worry, there are remedies that can successfully help reduce wisdom teeth swelling and here are some of them.

Six Ways to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling

Cold Compresses

Applying cold compresses daily is your number one priority. Anything cold is known to help reduce all sorts of swelling and it is the same when it comes to taking after a wisdom tooth extraction. You should apply cold compresses at least for the first few days after the surgery, but you can continue as long as you want since this is the easiest sort of remedy.

 reduce wisdom teeth swelling

Salt Water Rinse

Another great advice on how to bring down swelling after wisdom teeth removal concerns salt water rinse.

Most professional dentists, Dr. Angela Berkovich included, recommend washing your mouth with salt water or an oral rinse, particularly after eating, to avoid food getting stuck somewhere between your teeth. This helps with swelling and inflammation as well, so make sure to repeat it regularly in the following days after the procedure.

Eat Lightly

It is debatable how much you will be able to eat with the swelling and pain but when you eat, make sure to eat soft and liquid food. Cooked veggies and soups are your safest bet because they are easy to chew, healthy, and full of vitamins.

In addition, drink more water because, in that way, you actually clean your mouth as well. If it still hurts a lot when you chew, try eating with your other teeth and avoid using the side of the jaw where your wisdom tooth was.

Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

There are many tips on how to reduce swelling after wisdom teeth removed, but it should go without saying that you should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes for the first 24 hours. However, many dentists will recommend restraining from alcohol and tobacco until you are completely healed in order to avoid infection or inflammation.

Try Natural Remedies

There are many helpful natural remedies some of which include peppermint, clove oil, or crushed garlic and ginger. Peppermint is known to contain essential oils that help reduce swelling and pain. It's great because you can just rub it on the painful spot.

Clove oil is also good because it is an analgesic and helps fight bacteria. You can buy clove essential oil or make your own at home and use it to massage the swollen gums. Garlic and ginger paste may be your best option since it is great at killing pathogens that infect the gum line. It might have a very strong taste, but it's extremely effective.

Take Painkillers

Swelling and pain are an unavoidable part of wisdom teeth removal and you should focus on minimizing them in every possible way. When everything else fails, painkillers are your next option. They can be used to reduce the pain and swelling on a daily basis.

Painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen are the most recommended and used ones. Make sure to read the instructions on the dosage in order to not go overboard.

Having your wisdom teeth removed is very painful and causes swelling but there are ways to reduce this. Try some of the things mentioned above and help yourself heal quicker.

For more information about the wisdom tooth extraction or to make an appointment, feel free to call us , today!

How To Get Rid Of Swelling After Wisdom Teeth Removal


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